No delays will be caused by the unavailability of the client’s technical and functional resources to review documents, provide answers to questions, and participate in meetings, training sessions, and testing activities. If the client is unresponsive and feedback is not provided, then Zealite Agency has the right to terminate the project upon notice.
The production of the website will be deemed completed upon launching the site on the Internet and making it accessible for the world to view. The final payment is due before the launch of the website project.
“Changes to Scope of Work” Clause: The fees quoted are only “estimates” based on our assessment of the amount of time this project will take. We hold the client accountable for any additional work that may result. The client shall be responsible for making additional payments for changes necessitated by client revisions and/or additions following the client’s approval (other than for Zealite Agency’s error) and will be billed additionally at the standard billable rate of $50/hour.
In the event of your cancellation of this project or any delay of more than one month in responding to Zealite Agency’s request for information or review/approval of proofs, Zealite Agency will have the option of terminating this agreement and invoicing you for the greater of: (1) all work completed up to the date of written notification, including expenses, at the rate of $50 per hour or such other rate as shall be specified in this agreement; or (2) the amount of any advance deposit made for this project. Any renewal of this project after termination will require a new agreement, fee schedule, and upfront deposit.”
Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other if the other party breaches any material obligation provided hereunder and the breaching party fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice. This Agreement may be terminated by Zealite Agency (i) immediately if the customer fails to pay any fees hereunder; or (ii) if the customer fails to cooperate with the company or hinders the company’s ability to perform the services hereunder at Zealite Agency’s full discretion.
The client will retain all intellectual property rights to source material (e.g., design, code, copy, photography) provided to Zealite Agency for use in connection with this project; however, web content, design, and other work products created by the consultant and similar products and materials will remain the property and copyright of Zealite Agency until all fees under this agreement have been paid in full.
It is the client’s responsibility to verify and/or sign off on the production and testing of the web site within 30 business days of Zealite Agency notification of completion.
Stock Photography: If requested by the client, Zealite Agency will provide research and assistance on stock photography to be used in designing the website or other web base and marketing applications. The cost per photo starts at $10 and up, depending on size and popularity. Providing additional photos will be billed on a time and material basis.
Project Timeline: is the actual development/design time needed to complete a project. The timeline is dependent on immediate and consolidated feedback from the client on all design and development deliverables. If feedback is delayed, the project timeline may also be significantly delayed.
Zealite Agency cannot guarantee or promise any placement in search engines.
The client will provide all site content once the homepage layout is approved. Zealite Agency will fill any page on the website with “Lorem Ipsum” to properly show the page layout until real content is established. Text will be delivered to Zealite Agency in MS Word, the company logo as an.EPS or high-resolution .JPG file, and pictures, if any, as.JPG files.
The client acknowledges that Zealite Agency does not launch websites on Fridays or days before a holiday.
The client acknowledges that Zealite Agency will only fix any bug related issues post-launch for a period of 90 days after the official launch date. If the client makes any changes to the website code or hosts on servers other than Zealite Agency’s approved servers that result in a website issue and/or vulnerability, Zealite Agency will not be held responsible for fixing the bug without receiving compensation for time and materials.
Web Design Contract Cancellation: A non-refundable deposit is due at the time of contract signing. Cancellation of any web design project by either party will result in a refund to the client of all fees paid beyond the deposit amount, minus the amount already incurred in the development of the project by the date of cancellation. Web design cancellation refunds will be processed and delivered within 15-30 business days of the cancellation date.
If Zealite Agency ceases operations, files for bankruptcy protection, is the subject of the appointment of a receiver, or, for any other reason, ceases to control Zealite Agency before the work on this contract is complete, all related work products shall be immediately delivered to the client, and the contract shall be canceled forthwith without further recourse or payment.
The Term “Confidential Information” Means:
Each Party agrees that the term “Confidential Information” does not include information that:
8913 Town and Country Circle, Knoxville, TN 37923
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